娱乐场所英语 (娱乐场所英语怎么写)

上海娱乐 07-02 阅读:20 评论:0


  • amusement park 游乐园
  • arcade 游戏厅
  • bar 酒吧
  • casino 赌场
  • cinema 电影院
  • club 夜总会
  • comedy club 喜剧俱乐部
  • concert hall 音乐厅
  • dance club 舞厅
  • karaoke bar 卡拉OK厅
  • museum 博物馆
  • nightclub 夜总会
  • opera house 歌剧院
  • park 公园
  • pub 酒馆
  • race track 赛马场
  • 娱乐场所英语 (娱乐场所英语怎么写)
  • resort 度假村
  • restaurant 餐馆
  • sports bar 体育酒吧
  • stadium 体育场
  • theater 剧院
  • theme park 主题公园
  • zoo 动物园



Customer: I'd like to reserve a table for four at your restaurant.Server: Sure, what day and time would you like to reserve?Customer: This Saturday at 7:00 pm.Server: Let me check the availability. Yes, we have a table available at that time.Customer: Great, I'll take that.Server: Can I have your name and contact information?Customer: Sure, my name is John Doe and my phone number is 555-123-4567.


Customer: Do you have any live music tonight?Bartender: Yes, we have a band playing from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am.Customer: What kind of music do they play?Bartender: They play a mix of rock, pop, and country.Customer: Sounds good, I'll come back later tonight.


Waiter: Can I get you started with some drinks?Customer: Yes, I'll have a glass of water and a Coke.Waiter: And what would you like to eat?Customer: I'll have the chicken wings and a side of fries.Waiter: Would you like anything else?Customer: No, that's all for now.


Customer: Can I have the bill, please?Server: Sure, here you go.Customer: Thank you, the total is $50.Server: Would you like to pay with cash or card?Customer: Card, please.Server: Here you go, your receipt.Customer: Thank you, have a good night.


